venerdì 8 ottobre 2010

Article - "I was shrinkwrapped for art"

I found an interesting article on the Guardian website:

The idea itself I find quite interesting, however, perhaps more revealing are the comments below; they make depressing, but through provoking reading. Is world-weary cynicism all that can be offered to something that, although far from the lofty heights of contemporary art, is in itself quite interesting? Why do we find it so easy to dismiss art yet so hard to define it? I feel like a weeping nine-year-old confronted with the uncomfortable realisation that his opinion is not so alone in the world as he assumed but still... how easy it seems to be to degrade achievement through the bitter lens of ignorance. Honestly, it does make very amusing, if also acutely discomforting, reading. Enjoy!

More stuff - another youtube clip

This is less art-related... but still brilliant :)